

IDC’s research shows that small businesses are growing their revenue 8X faster than their digital indifferent counterparts.

Digital Transformation Challenges


SMEs, given their size, face constraints on many fronts. Shortage of talent and digital skills is the top challenge, followed by lack of digital technologies, budget and management commitment are among the top 3 challenges faced by small businesses.


84% of SMBs are struggling to execute their digitalization goals, many are still stuck being Digital Indifferent or Digital Observer.

IDC’s research show that SMBs that have successfully transformed generates 50% more sales as digital challengers while 8X higher growth as digital natives.


Self-Service Digital Transformation

with CLaaS@Work

CLaaS@Work is designed to nurture future ready enterprises for the new digital economy with workforce digital upskilling that enable rapid and holistic enterprise digital transformation in 90 days.


We deliver learning in the flow of work that go beyond knowledge dissemination in the classroom to workplace skills utilization with industry experts mentoring for self-service digital technologies and best practices implementation to support holistic digital transformation.


Develop Your Holistic Digital Transformation Plan in 42 Hours

Digital Transformation Leadership CLaaS® deliver digital fluency skills for enterprise leadership to:

✓ Discover technologies and skills needs to support digital transformation

✓ Formulate digital technology roadmap and implementation plan


✓ Develop digital upskilling plan with digital skills discovery application


Workforce Upskilling to Deliver Holistic

Digital Transformation in 90 Days

CLaaS@Work, comprises over 200 modular training programs, deliver digital skills acceleration including technology and 21st century softskills for both business and tech professionals.



CONTACT US FOR DETAIL : eventcerdas@gmail.com / WA 0811-1472-260

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